Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Getting Started

Who am I? I am the fitness guru! Okay maybe I am not the best there is out there but I can assure you that I know a few things about heath and fitness. Actually not a few things, I know quite a lot really. But enough about my bragging let's get right down to it.

First and foremost, this is my first posting and I think it would be a good idea to share my story. Of course I can't exhaust everything in a single posting because that would be like writing a whole bible in one go.

So where do we start? Hmm, let's see, how about when it all began right about five years ago, in fact it's almost exactly half a decade ago today when my health and fitness journey commenced. what am I talking about? Well, you are about to find out soon enough.

Okay so five years ago, right after being admitted to college for a course I will not mention because it is not in any way related to this post, I decided to really take my health and fitness seriously. You see, before getting into college, right after high school, I had decided that it was my time to eat and I mean that literally. I was tired of being Mr skinny a condition that made me look really bad what with my big head and all. In the months that followed (after high school). I gained more than 25 kilos and as far as I was concerned health and fitness could kiss my behind.

I managed to get from a mere 63 kilos to a whooping 88 kilos and I was damn proud of my 'achievement'. Not too long after getting to this point, I realized that things were starting to go down hill. I used to play some soccer in High School but suddenly I could barely jog a few hundred meters. It was getting increasingly difficult to play a decent game of basketball with my friends. One day while sitting on the edge of the bathtub my eyes happened to fall upon my middle section where unsightly layers of fat had accumulated.

It was at that very moment that it hit me, if I continued with my unhealthy ways, things would not turn out  very well for me. Like most people out there however, I eventually forgot all about it and life continued as usual. As I mentioned earlier, it was only after joining college a while later that I decided enough was enough - this time for real and I made the decision to start taking my health and fitness seriously. On my next blog posting I will let you know exactly how I embarked on that all important journey.

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