So in my last post I told you how I was able to increase my running speed but with time started associating my new hobby with pain. As I said, I decided to reduce the frequency with which I ran every week and soon enough the pain was no more.
I also told you why I decided to start running in the evening as opposed to mornings. I do have to say that this was a pretty good decision, probably one of the best I have ever made with regard to running. The first time I went for my evening run, I managed 10 laps which is about 4KM. I felt great probably because my body was not stiff and cold ( a problem I had had to endure on my morning runs).
Now 4 KM to me was a new achievement and it was at that point that I discovered I was capable of great things. Over the following few months, I was able to increase my running distance quite significantly. However, I soon came to the realization that doing laps was just not presenting me with a good enough challenge. You see, this is the thing about us human beings, we always want something different every now and then. We just weren't designed for monotonous living.
My running distance as mentioned had significantly increased. I had to do almost 20 laps in order to feel that I had achieved something meaningful. Anyone who has ever run track before will tell you that the act of going round and round can get very monotonous and boring; this is exactly what I was feeling. I had to find a way out of this soon or else I would start associating running with boredom.
I decided to leave track running and instead venture out - literally. The next time I went running - after this decision - was outside the school compound. There was this nice 5KM stretch from my University to a shopping mall, that offered pretty wonderful views. In fact the stretch was right next to the Nairobi National Park and so most of the times I would come across warthogs and Baboons. One time I almost got hit by a warthog but that is a story for another day.
So I would get out of campus at around 5:30 or 6 PM and run all the way to the mall and back. This was approximately 10KM. The great thing about the stretch is that it presented me with challenges - yes that is a good thing when it comes to running. There were about three significant uphill stretches that forced me to work harder and over time, this made me a better runner and improved my running distance further.
Over the past five years, I have run well over 1000 KM and I do have to say that it has been a wonderful journey. I have also participated in a number charity runs including three Nairobi Marathon events (one 10 KM race and two half marathons). Of course I never did win anything but that has never been my aim. I enjoy each race and this is what has enabled me get to where I am today. I plan on doing a full marathon in the next few years and probably even a super marathon - what can I say, our bodies were made to be challenged and I intend to push mine to the limits!
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