Friday, 23 March 2018

A few lies of the fitness industry

There are numerous wannabe experts and so-called fitness gurus out there who are peddling all manner of half-truths and outright lies in the name of providing the masses with health and fitness advice. This is advice that - in most cases - has ended up costing people lots of time, money and caused untold emotional anguish. 

The saddest thing is that so many people out there believe these so-called gurus and everything they say to be the only truth. This is despite the fact that a good number of these ‘fitness Messiahs’ are only out to mint money. But who can blame them, it’s a tough world, a ripped brother/skinny sister’s gotta eat right? No man, there has to be limits.

In a world full of half-baked/twisted truths and outright lies, it can be quite difficult to find the right path to your fitness journey. But don’t worry, here is a start; the following are a few fairy tales that many people believe to be true.

Smoothies are magic concoctions that will help you lose weight in one week

If you have been trying to lose weight for some time then I am pretty sure you have come across quite a number of smoothie recipes. A good number of the authors of these ‘magic cures’ usually tell people that the most effective way to approach the whole weight loss thing is to drop all other foods and go on a full-smoothie diet for a week or so. 

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that smoothies are bad, or that they won’t help you shed weight. They are actually very healthy and might help you lose weight. The reality however is that the weight you shed as a result of living on blended veggies like a toothless rabbit will come back very fast, once you revert to your normal diet (because you can't survive on smoothies forever). In fact most people talk of 'cravings from hell' during this so called 'detox week'. This is because they are denying their bodies vital macro-nutrients necessary for survival. At the end of it all, there is a high chance that all those days of low-energy, irritability, lethargy and headaches would have been for naught.


I know many bubbles have been burst by this statement but it’s the truth. This method of losing weight is simply not sustainable; it is ridiculous, torturous, painful and unnatural…to put it simply “forget about it.” If you want to lose weight all you have to do is be at a calorie-deficit. In layman’s language, cut down the amount of food you eat every day. That’s the number one rule.

Performing 100 sit-ups, 10-minute plank holds etc. every day will give you a six pack
What if I told you that everyone has a six-pack? Oh you are surprised aren’t you now? But it’s a fact. The same way everyone has muscles in every other part of their body is the same way they have a six-pack. So relax underwear models, those washboard abs aren’t a gift from the gods of vanity. 


The rectus abdominus - that’s the biological name for the ‘mythical’ six-pack and EVERY human alive has them…. The only difference is how visible and/or developed they are. The more flab you have, the less visible (seemingly non-existent) they become. In fact, the average man will have to take his body fat percentage to almost single digits in order to get that ‘properly-cut’ look. This is quite difficult (not impossible) for most people and even harder for women.  It requires one to religiously watch their diet and/or be on a very intense training program that involves a whole lot of calorie burning. But when all is said and done, diet is king. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that subjecting your middle section to rigorous training will not sculpt your abs. It will without a doubt. However, if you have a good amount of lard around that same area, no one will ever get to see those babies - after all, isn’t that what a six-pack is all about? -  ‘Show and tell’

Fitness gurus have your best interest at heart

Naaah bruh! This is a very dangerous line of thought to possess within your grey matter. You see, what a majority of people don’t understand is that most of the guys out there giving health and fitness advice, are just trying to get ahead in life. Once they find an opening that works, they go all in. There are so many individuals in the fitness industry that fit this exact description. They will create fairy tales and market their products (mostly diets, supplements and workout plans) with the vigour of a squirrel on steroids chasing nuts. Mike Chang comes to mind.

The whole idea here is to sell a dream. I am talking shredded abs, paper thin skin, veiny biceps, sexy models and great wealth. They may not say it directly but once you are done consuming their marketing material you will leave with the notion that only they hold the answer to all your problems. These guys are really good salesmen/women and have mastered the art of left-brain manipulation i.e. the emotional part of your central command. It may not work on everyone but it works on enough people to enable them make a very comfortable living. There’s only one defense my friends, knowledge. Don’t believe everything you are told by these guys or anyone for that matter, always question.

More fairy tales to follow, stay tuned........................

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