Sunday, 1 September 2013

Important Nutrients you can’t afford to ignore

We all consume various foods and drinks every day. The question however is; are you getting some of the most important nutrients and minerals that your body needs in order to remain healthy. In this day and age, the answer to that question for most people is no and a very big one too. It is for this reason that I have decided to take all of you back to Biology class for a lesson in vital nutrients that your body needs.

It is impossible to talk about the most important nutrients and minerals without touching on calcium. I am pretty sure you have been hearing about the importance of calcium ever since you were young. Calcium plays a major role in bone construction; in fact it’s primarily what your bones are made of. Without it therefore your entire skeletal structure will be compromised; this simply means that your bones will be more prone to breakage and more so as you age. Calcium also regulates blood pressure as well as facilitates muscle contraction. The recommended daily intake is 1000 milligrams. As you might be aware, dairy products like milk, yoghurt, cheese etc contain significant quantities of calcium. Bone soup, which happens to be a favourite for quite a number of Kenyans, is also laden with calcium.

Iron also features quite high up there in the list of most important nutrients and minerals. This particular mineral helps red blood cells carry oxygen to different parts of the body. If you don’t have enough of it therefore, the cells in your body will be denied sufficient oxygen supply and as a result you may end up suffering from chronic fatigue. Iron deficiency may also cause hair loss – something that I’m sure you wouldn’t want to happen to you anytime soon. The good news is that you can get iron from foods that are readily available including beef, pork, spinach and beans. An interesting fact for you: the average person has enough iron in their body to make a small nail.
Vitamin D
Just like calcium, vitamin D is necessary in maintaining strong bones. Without it actually, your body would have a hard time absorbing calcium. It also plays a major role in keeping your immune system strong and consequently preventing you from falling ill every other time. Vitamin D helps in warding off cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis among other ailments. Simply, put, you can’t do without it. Now I am sure that you have ever been told that standing in the sun is the best way to get your daily dose of vitamin D. That is indeed true but it doesn’t mean that sunlight comes packed with vitamin D. What happens is that when energy from the sun hits your skin, it converts the cholesterol underneath it to vitamin D. Of course the process is a bit more complex than what the explanation suggests but hopefully you are now a bit wiser on the topic. Vitamin D is found in milk, fish oil and orange juice. 

Folic Acid
Contrary to what some people might think, folic acid is not just good for pregnant women. It is recommended that everyone consumes at least 400 micrograms of folic acid every day. It offers protection from cancer of the colon and heart disease. In pregnant women it reduces the chances of delivering babies with spinal and brain defects among others. Cereals and grain products are great sources of folic acid.

Also in the list of most important nutrients and minerals is magnesium. It helps maintain a balance of hormones in the body hence keeping at bay various unpleasant conditions such as migraines. Also, without magnesium, your muscles and nerves wouldn’t be able to function properly. Fish, oats and nuts will deliver magnesium to your body.

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